I Hate You Don’t Leave Me by Jerold J. Kreisman and Hal Strauss
The Buddha and the Borderline by Kiera Van Gelder
Finding Friends: From Isolated Introvert to Social Expert by Tami Green
Taking Control of Your Thoughts Workbook by Tami Green
Self Help for Managing the Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder by Tami Green
Borderline Personality Disorder Demystified by Robert O. Friedel
Borderline Personality Disorder: The Facts by Roy Krawitz and Wendy Jackson
Sometimes I Act Crazy: Living with Borderline Personality Disorder by Jerold Kreisman and Hal Straus
Borderline Personality Disorder For Dummies by Charles H. Elliot and Laura L. Smith
Lost in the Mirror, 2nd Edition: An Inside Look at Borderline Personality Disorder by Richard A. Moskovitz
New Hope for People with Borderline Personality Disorder: Your Friendly, Authoritative Guide to the Latest in Traditional and Complementary Solutions by Nora Elizabeth Villagran, Valerie Porr
The Angry Heart: Overcoming Borderline and Addictive Disorders : An Interactive Self-Help Guide by Joseph Santoro and Ronald Jay Cohen
Understanding your Borderline Personality Disorder: A Workbook by Chris Healy
Borderline Personality Disorder: A Patient’s Guide to Taking Control by Arthur Freeman and Gina M. Fusco
Living in the Dead Zone: Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorders by Gerald A. Faris and Ralph M. Faris
Through The Looking Glass: Women And Borderline Personality Disorder by Dana Becker
Life at the Border – Understanding and Recovering from the Borderline Personality Disorder by Leland Heller
Imbroglio: Rising to the Challenges of Borderline Personality Disorder by Janice M. Cauwels
Putting the Pieces Together: A Practical Guide to Recovery From Borderline Personality Disorder by Joy A. Jensen
National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder
Treatment and resource advancement (TARA) National Association for Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Resource Center
Florida Borderline Personality Disorder Association
National Alliance of the Mentally Ill
S.A.F.E. (Self Abuse Finally Ends)
MD Junction Borderline Support Group
By Professionals
By Patients
Amanda Wang, The Fight Within Us: Rethinking BPD
Karen Marrs, Walking the Borderline
The Struggle of Life on the Edge
The Edge of Manda, Recovering from Borderline Personality Disorder
A Day in the Life of a Borderline Love Addict
Addison, A Misunderstood Borderline
The Polar bear Blog, Living With Borderline Personality Disorder
By Family Members and Partners of Borderlines
Help for Partners and Parents of People with Borderline Personality Disorder
NUTS: parents to parents for BPD
Bipolar Disorder in Young People: A Psychological Intervention Manual by Craig A. Macneil, Melissa K. Hasty, Philippe Conus, and Michael Berk
Turbo Max: A Story for Siblings and Friends of Children with Bipolar Disorder by Tracy D Anglada and Deirdre Baxendale